Aum Infinite Cosmoses

>> Friends' Contributions ~  >> Shyam Santhanam  >> Poetry  >> The Meeting
Last updated: 05/20/2008 10:54 PM
The Meeting

The skies changed on my way to meet you
Invisible to laughing eyes, behind the sun,
An innocuous cloud showed you your tears

The crack of its serendipitous thunder
I never heard ~ it was quiet day less the sonourous
memory of your voice, from when we last spoke 

The way the storm flashed and throttled that fading hour 
into momentary day ~ my eyes missed that moment.
They were far away, dreaming your arrival on the night

That cloud, a wineskin of your tears and our fates
Who pierced it open on my way to meet you,
and coloured the day with this violet rain?

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