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Last updated: 04/30/2007 03:03 PM
The Forbidden Apples ~ To Madhu ~

Now I re-cognize
that day was fated
in the crypts of time
pre-ordained in the visions
of eternity
the aeons floating on
in Honsulu, London
as you and I
so closeby yet so far away.

The late morning was light:
Beyond the road
the field of yellow flowers
then the infinite sky.
The sky was always there
"SkyWay" was where we first
chanced on our long way.

In my labyrinth memorabilia
that morning lies engraved
with an aimless purity ~

Your impeccable home
was as much mine :
From the great cycles
circularly we return ~
The furniture the familiar symmetries
created clean spaces
for our vast journey:
the wordless word was
thick in the circulating air ~

It was as if we knew each other for ever
I wonder now why I didn't tell you
you were beautiful
which of course you were.

You were in the kitchen
I engulfed the door
your hand was all flour
the air had your faint smell ~  

You said you never have breakfast,
but will have it that day with me ~
You spoke sonorously
over the fried eggs and toast~
british accent but the tones were
from the land of the five rivers
The moments were whole perfect
I watched and listened
I had nothing more to offer ~  

Then your personal album
with the nostalgic burden
of iridiscent private memories
that constitute you.
When I saw your photograph
in an Odissi garment
sure enough I said,
"You must continue to dance".

The parting moments
lie blurred into oblivion:
Really there was no need
for me to leave ~ Yet,
overwhelmed with joy, I left.

But my precious memory
is your backyard~
the fierce sunlight, on
the many fallen apples,
red, yellow, greenish red,
scattered around the lone tree.
I asked you why you never
picked them : You said
nobody wanted them ~

I re-cognize today
long long ago
I had played Adam
to your Eve ~
Then the apples
in our garden
were not forbidden.


Note~ "SkyWay" is a Hotel in Honsulu, London. "The land of five rivers", is literally Punjab
in India. The five rivers being Ravi, Jhelum, Sutlej, Chenab and Beaz which confluent to
become the river Sindhu(Indus). This poem is about a possible beautiful relationship that
fatally faded into evanescence. The poem was written ten years after the event.

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