Aum Infinite Cosmoses

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Last updated: 04/30/2007 03:08 PM
Holistic Dawn

In your nakedness, I saw my Self,
In my nakedness, You saw your Self~
When we obliviate, the tantalizing crystal-spaces,
The empty metaphors, the lucid rearrangements,
The precision geometries, the pristine breath-words...
There is neither You, nor I, nor the Self.
Aware we are together, under
The silent deluge, of ancient stars,
Like waters in the sacred river,
Reflecting, the infinite universes.
Countless primal perceptions strangely,
Fondly, envelop our mystery union.
Soon after erupts the tender dawn,
Meticulously clarifying, his mission.

A tawny-green bird gleams, past the veranda,
Intonating, a solemn solitary note.
The easy breeze was an invisible pageantry,
Of jasmines on an ageless pilgrimage.

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